On the way, Jesus told them, “All of you will desert me. For the Scriptures say, ‘God will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I am raised from the dead, I will go ahead of you to Galilee and meet you there.”

Peter said to Him, “Even if everyone else deserts you, I never will.”

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, Peter – this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three times that you even know me.”

“No!” Peter declared emphatically. “Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!” And all the others vowed the same.”

– Mark 14:27-31


In Our Minds, We Think We Are Stronger Than Our Human Desires and Nature.


Meanwhile, Peter was in the courtyard below. One of the servant girls who worked for the high priest came by and noticed Peter warming himself at the fire. She looked at him closely and said, “You were one of those with Jesus of Nazareth.”

But Peter denied it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, and he went out into the entryway. Just then, a rooster crowed.

When the servant girl saw him standing there, she began telling the others, “This man was definitely one of them!”

But Peter denied it again. A little later, some of the other bystanders confronted Peter and said, “You must be one of them, because you are Galilean.”

Peter swore, “A curse on me if I’m lying – I don’t know this man you’re talking about!”

And immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Suddenly, Jesus’ words flashed through PEter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny three times that you even know me.” And he broke down and wept.

– Mark 14:66-72



  1. Denial to other people.
  2. Denial to yourself.

Denial Towards Yourself, Triggers The Denial Towards Other People.



  1. With our actions.
  2. With our words.
  3. With our silence.


After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you now I love you.”

“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him. Jesus repeated the same question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “You know I love you.”

“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.

A third time He asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the same question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.”

– John 21:15-17






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